































     周传(2008)第一篇论文发表在Nature Neuroscience,只有三位作者,周传后面两位都是老师,所以全部实验都是周传一人做的。周传发现,鱆胺分子对于果蝇的打架很重要,他通过分子生物学操作遗传突变,发现降低果蝇神经递质分子鱆胺可以降低打架,增加鱆胺可以增加打架。通过遗传学操纵,他确定五颗神经元中的鱆胺对于打架重要。


周传的第二篇论文有几位作者,但后面的也只是提供基因突变的果蝇品系,所以全部实验也都是他一个人做的。他发现雄果蝇求偶被拒绝后如何适应的分子机理。他发现鱆胺及其受体之一(OAMB)对求偶被拒后的适应很重要。如果这些分子减少,雄蝇被拒绝后不停止求偶,继续孜孜不倦地追求雌蝇(周传等,J Neurosci2012)。
















     “我选过这门课。当时要求学生每周读五篇原始研究论文。 难的是每篇都要写一两页的评论。相比之下,我在美国选类似的研究生课要求的是五篇中任选一篇写评论。这是我选过的课业负担最重的,当时每周有一半的课余时间都在写这门课的作业,当然这门课也系统地训练了我读研究论文的方法。当时北大有选课学生少于5人不能开课的规定,第二周的时候因为人太少差点开不了课。





























2010年从我实验室毕业后,周传去美国HHMIJanelia做博士后。在Bruce Baker实验室研究果蝇求偶行为,发表三篇论文,并为其中一篇原始研究论文的通讯作者。








在我实验室期间,周传结识一位北大本科生。她毕业后在美国读研究生,也把自己的第一篇论文发表在Nature Neuroscience。他们当时虽然分隔两地,却成功地喜结良缘。













在患病期间,他坚持进行科学研究。双目失明后,不得不经历17个小时的手术治疗。但他继续指导实验室的研究,与学生交流,直至完全不可能。有时需要妻子和母亲记录。在他病重后,他领导实验室居然发表了一篇原始研究论文(Wu et al., 2020)、该学生获得博士学位。周传实验室还有两篇在投稿中(Wang et al.; Ma et al.)。












Chuan Zhou, Yong Rao, Yi Rao (2008). The Neurotransmitter Octopamine is Essential for Aggression in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience 11:1059-67


Chuan Zhou, Hai Huang, Susy M. Kim, Hsuanwen Lin, Xianglan Meng, Kyung-An Han, Ann-Shyn Chiang, Jing W. Wang, Renjie Jiao, and Yi Rao (2012). Molecular Genetic Analysis of Sexual Rejection: Roles of Octopamine and Its Receptor OAMB in Drosophila Courtship Conditioning. Journal of Neuroscience 32:14281-14287.


Xinhua Liang, Yi Rao and Chuan Zhou# (2014). The Neuronal Basis of How Sexual Experience Modulates Male Aggression. National Science Review 1:473-474 (#corresponding author)


Alexander G. Vaughan, Chuan Zhou, Devanand S. Manoli, Bruce S. Baker (2014). Neural Pathways for the Detection and Discrimination of Conspecific Song in D. melanogaster. Current Biology 24:1039–1049


Chuan Zhou, Carmen C. Robinett, Geoffrey W. Meissner, and Bruce S. Baker (2014). Central Brain Neurons Expressing doublesex Regulate Female Receptivity in Drosophila. Neuron 83:149-63.


Chuan Zhou#, Romain Franconville, Alexander G. Vaughan, Vivek Jayaraman and Bruce Baker# (2015). Central Neural Circuitry Mediating Courtship Song Perception in Male Drosophila. Elife 4:e08477 (#corresponding author).


Fengming Wu, Bowen Deng, Na Xiao, Tao Wang, Yining Li, Rencong Wang, Kai Shi, Dong-Gen Luo, Yi Rao and Chuan Zhou (2020). A neuropeptide regulates fighting behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Elife 9:e54229. Doi:10.7554/elife.54229.


Wang T, Jing BY, Deng BW, Shi K, Li J, Ma BX, Wu FM#, Chuan Zhou#. Drosulfakinin signaling modulates female sexual receptivity in Drosophila. (under review) (#corresponding author)


Ma BX, Wang RC, Deng BW, Liu YH, Wang T, Wu FM#, Chuan Zhou#. Serotonin signal modulates female sexual receptivity in Drosophila. (under review) (#corresponding author)






Fighting drunk flies

The models of ethanol intoxication and tolerance in Drosophila have been established and the genetic mechanisms of that revealed recently. Locomotion or loss of body control as behavioral output has allowed rapid and reliable mutant characterization and facilitated mechanistic studies, whereas on the other hand, disadvantages are manifested by the inability of mimicking the repertoire of complex behaviors elicited or altered by alcohol in mammals and humans. One of the long noticed behavioral traits that are thought to be tightly and causally linked to alcoholism is aggression. Our ancestors had learned to rouse the aggressiveness of warriors with a cup of wine before they went out for a battle (Fig. 1). However, the destructive effect caused by alcoholism is also without doubt: 25% of the violent crimes have been thought to be committed by individuals of alcohol abuse In the USA. In spite of the importance of alcohol-aggression relationship, little is known about the mechanism with the exception of a few studies in mammals pointing out the involvement of dopamine and serotonin pathway.

We thus sought to establish the model of alcohol heightened aggression in Drosophila. Flies aged for 5 days in a group of 10 were exposed to either humidified air, ethanol vapor produced by diffusing air through a 95% alcohol solution (high level exposure), or a combination of the two (middle level exposure). The middle level exposure of ethanol vapor was achieved by mixing 45 flow units of air with 50 flow units of ethanol vapor. Interestingly, middle concentration of alcohol treatment could significantly increase the number of lunging, the most prominent fighting pattern in fruitfly fighting, and reduce the fighting latency (Fig. 2a, b). It should also worth noting that alcohol exposure of high concentration almost phenocopied that of middle concentration, which is a bit surprising because only low but not high dose of alcohol consumption is able to change aggression in mammals. There is a trend of increase in escalated fighting patterns which include holding, boxing and tussling after alcohol treatment, though not significantly (Fig. 2c). We also tested the effects of middle level alcohol exposure for different time courses. The results showed that 10 min is most effective to promote aggression, whereas 30 min of exposure is not able to significantly change the aggression indices, possibly due the sedation effect of enduring ethanol consumption (Fig. 3).

Hence our results suggest a potentially excellent model for studying the interaction between alcohol sensitization and aggression. It is still unclear that alcohol directly modulates the “aggression center” or indirectly effects on neurons which project excitatory or inhibitory afferents to aggression responsible neurons. It is also unknown whether the effect of alcohol on aggression is acute or long-lasting, or whether the chronic treatment of alcohol is as effective. It should be interesting to investigate whether genes implicated in alcohol intoxication are involved in alcohol heightened aggression or not. For example, CREB pathway has been proven to be a key regulator in behavioral plasticity of alcohol intoxication and in social experience regulated sleep. Since we have known that social experience also greatly influences aggression, it would be interesting to ask that whether CREB also play a role in modulation of aggression by alcohol or isolation (grouping) effects, and in what extent the repertoire of genes regulate alcohol heightened aggression and isolation induced aggression is the same or different. The power of fly genetics should allow us to identify the genes and biochemical pathways and neural circuits underlying this complex behavioral interaction.
